Shield Golf is Clubmans Overall Champion for 2021
Finally, after almost a decade of racing and coming up just short on number of occasions I have finally managed to get the job done , which would have not be possible with the loyal support and ongoing commitment from the Shield team .
Not only did we win the overall Championship but also managed to win the Chairmans award whichis an award for the team which shows the best Clubmans spirit during the season.
2021 Summary
2021 without doubt has been challenging time on number fronts for South Africans and therefore I can’t begin to express enough how Shield have helped support motorsport enthusiasts in these tough times. Winning the 2021 Championship for Shield makes me extremely privileged and proud to represent such an amazing company and brand. Motorsport is a team sport and without the help from people across several motoring fields it is impossible to achieve success on your own.
I would also like to thank my family for all their loyal support over the years, Sarel from 8V Performance who has managed to get the best out of the motors reliably and Oom Jannie Van Rooyen the setup Wizzard , Gavin Ross from Norbrake and Andy Gossman for all the little setup and suspension tips and tricks and a access to workshop facilities on the drop of a hat .
Clubman’s final round of the season at Zwartkops was nerve racking to say the least, as I was only a couple of points ahead of Dirk Laurens, a multiple Clubman’s champion and was eager to keep his trophies. Firstly, I had to finish both heats in the points and a reasonable Index time, or I could have easily been knocked down into 2nd place. Dirk had nothing to lose and therefore it was so important that I kept my wits about me in both heats by keeping the car out of trouble and not pushing it to the limits to ensure I made it to the finish line. Heat 1 fortunately went according to plan and all I had to do was finish 8 laps in Heat 2 and stay out of trouble. Heat 2 was the longest 8 laps of my racing career and when crossing the line, I screamed for joy as I knew in my gut that we had done enough to bring home the trophy. Motorsport as you are aware can be cruel and throw you curve ball, just ask Lewis Hamilton. Until l, the COC and all the officials have signed off the results sheet everything remains unofficial, finally around the 10TH of December the official results were announced by MSA, and the rest is History.
I look forward to defending the title in 2022 and with a bit of luck we will be able to have spectators back in the stands cheering the Shield Golfs on to victory.